The professional environment
Our approach closely follows our professional sector’s development. Being a fast-evolving sector of sustainable growth, it is experiencing a paradigm shift with artisanal work vision meeting industrial work vision.
Aware of the issues before us and well beyond purely academic matters, the professional world supported the creation of our school with confidence and benevolence.
We move forward collegially to structure our students’ professional integration and to set up monitoring all along their careers.
All our teachers and speakers have active roles in the professional sector. We regularly invite the studios to participate in juries and organise days dedicated to meetings between students and studios. Through these events we mainly aim at promoting students’ professional integration.
We can proudly count on the presence, involvement and trust of the most important companies in our sector such as Illumination Mac Guff, Mikros Images, TeamTo, Cube Creative, La Station Animation.
Many animation professionals, artists and technicians working all over the world have wanted to support our school by becoming its sponsors. This is the assurance of international influence and the construction of a strong network fully attentive to our students.
Establishing École des Nouvelles Images in the heart of such artistic cradle and land of the international Festival d’Avignon each year gathering more than 130 000 people around the love of Theatre, allows us to ambition creating close relationships with the various cultural actors.
To be geographically close to Avignon University, which has built its identity on "Culture, heritage and digital societies" axis, favours our rapprochement. Ahead of us lie great prospects for developing sustainably and intelligently our school. We are extremely proud to participate in the blossoming of synthesis images / computer-generated images / CGI in Avignon alongside internationally recognised cultural actors.
Diploma films are shown at numerous festivals around the world. Giving the greatest possible visibility to the work of our students is a priority. Each film is different and we owe to work on its exposure by promoting their artistic and technical approaches. The Miyu Distribution team, represented by its President Luce Grosjean, is supporting our students and the school in this important step.
Lumière Lyon2 University Music & Musicology department offers a two-year training course in sound creation and design for visual arts. Its ambition is to allow students to acquire skills in musical creation applied to the visual arts: cinema, theatre, multimedia and sound design.
For our students this collaboration is an important gain in their curriculum. All along the diploma filmmaking process, our young directors collaborate with M.A.A.A.V. students’ on the conception of the original music for their films. This working alliance combines several know-how, deepens the projects and gives birth to unique partnerships both professional and human.
Collaborative spirit and mutual respect forged close ties with the ArtFX school based in Montpellier. One day our students will work together therefore we must feed each other with the reflections on our sector’s development. Coherence and complementarity are the best assets to offer a solid and structured training. The studios are receptive to our global approach and support us in this thrilling adventure.
Studio managers, recruiters and technical directors regularly visit our school to meet students and discuss future projects with us. Through regular and inspiring exchanges we continue while having a perfect understanding of the challenges that await us in the short, medium and long terms.